IRS and Tax Information

Donations made through the Combined Fund Drive are tax deductible. However, recently, the IRS has updated the rules and regulations regarding this topic. We have provided some basic information about these changes. For more information please click on the links provided or consult you tax advisor.

Your Dec 25th pay stub is your IRS recipt for donations made through the CFD.
  • CFD donors must have a year end pay statement or written communication from the CFD for any monetary contribution before you can claim a charitable contribution on federal income tax return.
  • CFD donors are responsible for obtaining a written acknowledgment (pay statement) from the CFD for any single contribution of $250 or more before you can claim a charitable contribution on your federal income tax return.
  • The Charitable organization is required to provide a written disclosure to a donor who receives goods or services in exchange for a single payment in excess of $75.
  • The donor must have a pledge form prepared by or at the direction of the CFD. When you make a donation through the Combined Fund Drive you are able to print this out at the time of making your donation.

Recent Tax Law Changes May Affect People Giving to Charity - IRS Offers Tips for Year-End Donations:,,id=164997,00.html

Charitable Contributions Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements:

Record Keeping Requirements for Charitable Contributions Made by Payroll Deduction: